Learning for Independence (LFI) is an 18 to 21-year-old transition program that prepares students for their next stage in life as an employee or college student. This two-year program brings students from a high school setting into the college setting and helps them gain confidence to prepare them for their next stage of life. Chris Schultz, Director of Student Services for North Fond du Lac school district and Jo Marchionda, Special Education Teacher share information on LFI and the partnership with MPTC.
Jo Ann Hall, Dean of Economic & Workforce Development at MPTC, shares her experience with John Maxwell, the Maxwell Leadership Company and what you...
If you were to form a city of all Wisconsinites who live in poverty, the city would be the largest in the State, even...
Prepare your organization to compete with today’s competition by focusing on process improvement. Continuous Improvement is having the ability to look at what we...